
copyright ©2021 Linda Putnam

A River is: enacted physically, when possible; in perpetual motion; originates from a source; a compilation of rhythms driven by imagery; a trance strictly maintained and informed by Principles…

Why Bother With Principles?

copyright ©2021 Linda Putnam

NOTHING EXEMPTS ME FROM HAVING TO FACE MYSELF. Nothing. No sister, brother, father, mother, lover, friend, race, class, gender, choice of mate, change in my pocket, domicile, lifestyle, life view, my past, present, future. Nothing.


copyright ©2021 Linda Putnam

Crossing is a two-part exercise: Slow Crossing and Fast Crossing. These exercises teach techniques for stagecraft, eye focus, presence, boundaries for physical contact, and the disciplined expression of uncensored impulses.


copyright ©2021 Linda Putnam

Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry studied for its own sake, and in the context of this training, employed to build a lexicon of Source material.