Towards a Glossary of Terms used by Linda Putnam in her teaching; a memory aid for those who will continue in the work. Taken down by Corey Fischer in 1978 at Naropa; adapted by Marc Diamond in 1991; expanded by Linda Putnam in 2020. “These words overlap and interchange all the time.”
The four Basic Bodies are Open, Bound, Beautiful, Grotesque. These are training tools used to develop and expand physical imagination and imagery, create character and character language, and research the Principle: Opposing tensions.
The Breather is a Stance comprised of breath, heartbeat, and a consciously relaxed body. The Breather can be externalized as a Post, or internalized as a point of focus when building endurance. The Breather is used as a technique to evaluate the veracity and commitment.
A Corridor is a concept, a practical skill for stage craft, and the setting for a series of exercises: Crossings, Ally/Enemy, Stations, Hug and Run, Orchestra, Spacial Levels
Crossing is a two-part exercise: Slow Crossing and Fast Crossing. These exercises teach techniques for stagecraft, eye focus, presence, boundaries for physical contact, and the disciplined expression of uncensored impulses.
A series of physical techniques designed to represent flight or flying. A Fifth Body River is the study of how physical and emotional fleeing is expressed in the body, and in imagery.
Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry studied for its own sake, and in the context of this training, employed to build a lexicon of Source material.
A Hunker is both a body position and a process. Formally, the position is a squat. The feet are parallel to each other, flat on the ground, and shoulder-width apart. The torso leans forward between the bent knees. Arms stretch out in front of body, palms up. Head is down. Any position which is mildly painful to sustain, and demonstrates withdrawal or privacy can be substituted. The Hunker process consists of techniques which aim towards the self-evaluation of ones’s work.
The Post is a position during which impulses are passed through the diaphragm and enacted as breath. Usually, but not exclusively, the Post is performed in an upright Corpse position. The Post develops imagery through Screen technique.
The Principles serve as a chain of reasoning used to assess how, and to what degree, an impulse or an image should be followed. The principles and the elements of one’s physical training are dual components of every River. Practiced together they provide veracity, safety, endurance, and continuance in all one’s work.
A River is a style of work geared to translate imagery into physical form. It is highly disciplined, often rigorous, and is founded a basic physical vocabulary which is adaptable to any level of physical ability. This physical component is moderated by a series of Principles. Theatrically speaking, a performance is a river. Yet many who have studied River Work find it a useful and valuable form in itself, applicable to any artist practicing in any medium. As a training component, rivers are tools artists use to expand vocal and physical range, develop imagery and language, and safely navigate the boundaries and shoals of passion.
Screen—or Screening—is a technique which trains the relationship between Eye Plastiques and the physicalization of an image.
A sign is a repeatable gesture, position, or word which signifies that a personal limit has been reached. “Making one’s sign” indicates an unbridgeable concentration break. In extreme cases of personal safety, a sign is made to call for an abrupt stop of work. Often used in conjunction with the Principle: Only go as far as you know how to get back.
A Source can be defined as the origin of inspiration and, ideally, occurs as a judgment-less state. Often a source has its foundation in breath and silence. Some hold that following source is how we maintain artistic integrity; certainly it is an essential component of artistic expression. There are as many sources and types of sources as there are those who search for them.
The Stripdown is a process used to examine the judgmental attitudes one directs toward one’s body, self, society, and world view. The point of the Stripdown is to evaluate how these attitudes affect one’s freedom of expression. Once the Stripdown is understood as a concept, strict techniques are followed to encourage the elimination of judgments which inhibit one from achieving Neutral. The Stripdown is informed by the Hunker, the Judge Circle, and The Standard Relaxation.
Technique is double pronged. One prong induces us to learn, develop, and practice skills which lead to virtuosity. The other encourages us to use these skills to develop content and expand range.
The 3x rule is a Principle used to verify the authenticity of an image. It can be used in conjunction with the performer’s sign. Perhaps the 3x rule’s most crucial function is to monitor both individual and group safety.